The Free PMP Exam Simulator offers the same overall features as you will find in The Premium PMP Exam Simulator, including practice tests and sample questions to help with your exam prep. It is a great way for you to try all the simulator features for a week before you decide to buy the premium version outright.
Your access will let you answer free PMP practice exam questions. We think checking it out will confirm to you that this simulator not only has the best features but beats the competition with its realistic questions that are as close to the real PMP exam questions that you can find.
The PM Exam Simulator offers a realistic online testing center. It's designed to help you prepare for and pass the examination on your first try. Here is how it works:
Strikeout Answer Choice
In this 4-part email course, we introduce you to important multiple-choice test-taking strategies. You will also receive our recommendations for the most relevant study materials for students this year.
You probably want to shop around and buy the simulator that's just right for you. Use this MS Excel worksheet to compare PMP simulator features between our tool and the others that you have found. Then make your selection. Let us know if you find a better product and what you like about it. We'd love to improve so we can better serve our students.
Our weekly PMP Exam Tips Newsletter offers tips, tricks, study approaches, best practices, articles, and recommended study materials. A must-have for everyone preparing for their project management certification! (You can unsubscribe at any time.)
"Learning mode" is a way of using the simulator to take short, timed quizzes or tests that related to one topic area only. They are the perfect bite-sized assessment tool to help you understand how well you have absorbed the information.
Answer PMP test questions in learning mode to get hints and tips, as well as detailed references to learn more. The responses for each question (even the incorrect answers) have at least one, often more, reference materials so you can read up on the topic and improve your knowledge.
There are no learning requirements: you can answer your first questions as soon as you've created a login. However, you will score more highly if you have done some learning before attempting a mock exam!
As for technical requirements, all you need is an internet connection and the most recent version of your browser.
Yes! You can retake the practice test as many times as you like. While you have access to the simulator, use it as much as you can to get the maximum benefit.
Why might you want to do that? Some people find it useful to answer a few PMP exam sample questions, then review what they got wrong using the detailed explanations. They study the references and concepts before answering the questions again to confirm that they now understand what is being asked and what the correct response is. It's a tried-and-tested technique for improving recall!
We will let our results speak for themselves! Our students certainly think the premium simulator is a huge asset to their studies. We have had many, many people go ahead and successfully pass the test using our sample questions, training materials and mock exams.
Check out what past students have to say in our Google reviews. All our students have access to our busy and useful forums. Why not take a look at the many success stories they share? PMI does not publish the passing score but we find that lots of students post their practice exam results in the forums so you can gain confidence from the experience of others.
Our exam simulator practice tests are updated to be aligned to the latest exam content outline and latest version of the PMBOK® Guide. You can rest assured that you are getting a large number of high quality, up-to-date questions.
Our simulator has been put together by the team behind the popular Project Management PrepCast, and the questions are regularly reviewed. You can be confident you're getting excellent, challenging questions set by an experienced team!
Copyright © 2008 - 2024 OSP International LLC.
The PM Exam Simulator is a mark of OSP International LLC. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.