The Free PMI-ACP Exam Simulator has the same features as The Premium PMI-ACP Exam Simulator. That makes it great for you try out the simulator features for one week and try some free PMI-ACP exam sample questions before deciding to go premium.
And trust us... once you have your free access you will see that this simulator not only has the best features but it also beats the competition with the depth and breadth of the PMI-ACP sample questions.
The Premium Simulator gives you access to 480 questions in 4 exams.
The PMI-ACP exam prep practice test is a way of testing and familiarizing yourself with the exam before you take the real thing. Basically, it's like taking a full exam at home, from the comfort of your computer. You can either use the tool to practice particular topics or take full tests under 'examination conditions' to get used to the experience you will have on your test day.
People benefit from using practice tests because it builds confidence -- you know what it's going to be like so hopefully you are less nervous about the actual test!
In the free PMI-ACP exam simulator you get access to 60 questions across 3 sample tests. You can check out all the features of the premium version of the simulator including timed quiz mode, learning quiz mode, mark for review. You'll get detailed answer explanations for each answer (not only the correct answer) to help you understand the concepts and logic behind each question.
The Premium Simulator gives you access to 480 questions in 4 exams.
There are 120 questions in the PMI-ACP exam. They are multiple choice questions. You will have three hours to complete the test on your examination day.
The questions cover a wide range of topics as laid out in the exam outline.
Yes! You can retake this PMI-ACP practice test as many times as you like. The free simulator gives you 7 days of access and during that time you can retake the questions over and over.
Why might you want to do that? Some people find it useful to answer questions, then review what they got wrong using the detailed explanations. They study the references and concepts before answering the questions again to confirm that they now understand what is being asked and what the correct response is. It's a tried-and-tested technique for improving recall!
Our students think so! We have had many, many people go ahead and successfully pass the test using our sample PMI-ACP questions, training materials and mock exams.
Check out what past students have to say in our Google reviews. All students have access to our forums, and you can take a look at the many success stories in there too. PMI does not publish the passing score but many students have commented in the forums with their practice examination and quiz results so you can gain confidence from that.
In our comprehensive checklist for getting Agile certification you'll see the process we recommend for your studies. In addition, we recommend sticking with one reference guide so as not to get confused with too many 'voices'. One good course and one good prep book is an adequate approach for most people.
Candidates schedule time to sit for the exam by using the Pearson Vue website. Once your application is approved and you are considered eligible, you will receive information on how to book your examination time. Go to the website using the details provided and book your time slot.
You can choose an online option or to go to a test center close to where you live. Choose the option that makes most sense for you and that will (ideally) make the experience as less stressful as possible.
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The PM Exam Simulator is a mark of OSP International LLC. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.